Taste Awards 2024
Orgibite – Organic Sun Dried Appricots
With our 100% organic consumption and all FDA-guaranteed product ranges that we have collected from all over Turkey since 2010, we bring you health flavors that reveal our first-class quality understanding. With our ever-expanding product range, we take care of organic agriculture production and work hard for a better future. As Orgibite, we are with you on the road to great change with the vision of building a clean and future.
About Producer
As Fis Danismanlik A.S. , we started to provide consultancy services to food companies in 2010. We combined out experience in organic agriculture, import and export with the idea of healthy snacks that make you happy, so we launched the Orgibite brand to bring natural, high quality, additive-free and preservative-free organic products, which we produce in accordance with world standards, to healthy snack lovers.
Product Information
Company Name
- Silver
- Istanbul
Awards Category
- Organic
- Turkey